woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

Our Process

Aardvark Online Removals - Negative Link Removals
Aardvark Online Removals - Negative Link Removals
Step One: FREE consultation, case analysis and key word search

We not only analyze the content you're most concerned about, but also conduct a comprehensive search of your information and provide an honest evaluation of your online reputation.

Aardvark Online Removals - Managing Online Reputation
Aardvark Online Removals - Managing Online Reputation
Step Two: Intake Form

To increase our chances of successful removal, we ask you to complete a brief questionnaire. This questionnaire will gather background information about the content you wish to have removed.

Aardvark Online Removals - Removing Negative Links
Aardvark Online Removals - Removing Negative Links
Step Three: Removal Efforts

We request 60 days to complete the removal process and will notify you once the content has been removed. This is a risk-free service, meaning you only pay once the removal is successfully completed.